Album released in 2024 by Vinyl Passion Classical.
Compilation released by Vinyl Passion in 2014.
Album released in 1977, remastered and reissued...
Album released in 1956, remastered and reissued by WEA in 2019.
Album released by Nuclear Blast in 2023.
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Magnetic Cassette
Album released in 1999 on the magnetic box by Soft Records.
Album released by Soft Records on the magnetic box in 1999.
Compilatie de piese de rock alternativ din "underground" editata de Soft Records in 2001 pe MC.
Album lansat in 2000 pe caseta magnetica de casa de discuri Soft Records.
Album released in 1999 on the magnetic box by Soft Records.
“Overall, the band have achieved a very polished sound, the vocals are very clear and sung without a trace of an Eastern European accent, the balance between the instrumentation is spot on and the production is very clean with great separation between the instruments.” (Mark Hughes - recenzie dprp.net)